Streamside Incubator Detailed Report
The technique The basic design involves a gutted refrigerator or better yet a freezer. The box is prepared by adding an inlet with aeration and a discharge. The inside of the box has a series of plexiglass plates placed vertically to channel the flow through up to 18 Witlock Vibert Boxes (WVB’s). The WVB, yes Dave WHITLOCK had a part in the design, has two chambers. The smaller top chamber holds up to 500 eggs. Typically, about 90% hatch and drop into the larger lower chamber through slots large enough to accommodate the fry and yolk sack. There they stay until they absorb enough of the sack to fit through the smaller slots and into the main refrigerator chamber. While still in the refrigerator they are safe from predation until lage enough to swim to the surface. At this time they will be sucked out the out flow and flushed into the stream where they will have to survive on their own. (see photos below)
This project was designed to introduce trout fry into the Muddy Creek watershed. The The long term goal is to have the fry grow into adult trout and reproduce successfully.

This is a concept developed by Dr. Fred L. Earles of Rock Springs, Wyoming some 13 years ago. It was used to introduce salmonoid species into the Flaming Gorge/Lower Green River. Since then over 7 Million eggs have been hatched using this tehnique. It is important to realize that the Dr.Earls feels adamant that “At no time should this method ever be used to replace proper watershed management. We should all be in the business of repairing our watershed, NOT just hatching trout and salmon eggs.”
Dr. Earles original design has been improved to the style that we used. Ron Heuston, long time member of our chapter, is the Champion of this project. He has spent countless hours of his time researching this project. In cooperation with the PF&BC, several land owners, and Dr. Earles, his aspiration has come to fuition.
- Site #1
- • Hatching box a 20 wvb’s
- • Hatching box b 18 wvb’s
- Site #2
- • Hatching box a 30 wvb’s
- • Hatching box b 26 wvb’s
- Site #3
- • Co-operative nursery 6 wvb’s
- Received 84,559 eggs (30% bad eggs = 25,368)
- 59,191 eggs 80% hatch = 47,353 fry
- Avington Rainbow Trout = 54,400
- Rome Brown Trout = 47,353
- Total = 101,753
- Site #1
- • Hatching box a 20 wvb’s
- • Hatching box b 18 wvb’s
- Site #2
- • Hatching box a 30 wvb’s
- • Hatching box b 26 wvb’s
- Site #3
- • Co-operative nursery 62 wvb’s
- Received 68,000 eggs (bad eggs minimal)
- 80% hatch = 54,400 fry
For a more detailed report of the first year we employed this practice to put fish into Muddy Creek and its tributaries